1 × Mecha-Rarrgon
1 × Kaiju Mania
1 × Obsidirax
1 × Brutazar
1 × Rarrgon
1 × Gamigora
1 × Obsidirax
1 × Teravore
1 × Blueprint K001 - Strange Beasts
1 × Blueprint K002 - Visible Protection
1 × Blueprint K003 - Defiant Heights
1 × Blueprint K004 - Monster Movies
1 × Blueprint K005 - Kaiju Master
1 × First in Line / Anonymous Complaint
1 × Dumpster Diving / Drunken Hooligans
1 × Project Management / Frivolous Lawsuit
1 × Merchandising / Giant Wad of Cash
1 × Unusual Bequest / Powerful Friends
1 × Media Blitz / Review Board
1 × Efficiency / Safety Certificate
1 × Sponsorship Deal / Security Guards
2 × Reconstruction / Hit and Miss
2 × Salvage Operations / Rapid Reload
1 × Cinema
1 × Hypercoaster
1 × Pyrotechnician
2 × Air Conditioning
1 × Express Queue
1 × Restrooms
2 × Superior Quality
3 × Kaiju Theme
1 × Main Gate
1 × Loan