Illustration: Mr Cuddington
Theme: | Quantity |
Alien: | 1 |
Illustration: Mr Cuddington
Theme: | Quantity |
Alien: | 1 |
When Alien Politics is the current City card, you personally cannot gain Alien Influence, but other cards such as staff members or the Mothership still can. Tokens on cards are not available to you.
Thematically, the aliens aim to have people spend their stockpiled Alien Influence, rather than give them any more. But if the aliens can't put Alien Influence on their own Mothership...
Featured on the ABDW box cover, the Mothership also appears in the Alien Displeasure City event, and is just barely visible in the Alien Politics City event.
Illustration: Mr Cuddington
Theme: | Quantity |
Alien: | 1 |
Illustration: Mr Cuddington
Theme: | Quantity |
Alien: | 1 |
Illustration: Mr Cuddington
Theme: | Quantity |
Alien: | 1 |
There is no "may" in this card's effect, so accepting the Alien Influence is not optional. You must gain the token.
If you are determined to resist the influence of our alien friends, you will need to find a way to spend the Alien Influence before the revolution comes.
Illustration: Mr Cuddington
Theme: | Quantity |
Alien: | 1 |
In the same way that a blueprint considers only your park unless otherwise stated, a condition that affects your park considers only your park unless it specifically says otherwise.
Illustration: Mr Cuddington
Theme: | Quantity |
Alien: | 1 |
Illustration: Mr Cuddington
Theme: | Quantity |
Alien: | 1 |
When Alien Politics is the current City card, you personally cannot gain Alien Influence, but other cards such as staff members or the Mothership still can. Tokens on cards are not available to you.
Thematically, the aliens aim to have people spend their stockpiled Alien Influence, rather than give them any more. But if the aliens can't put Alien Influence on their own Mothership...
Illustration: Mr Cuddington
Theme: | Quantity |
Alien: | 1 |
Theme: | Quantity |
Alien: | 1 |
Theme: | Quantity |
Alien: | 1 |
Theme: | Quantity |
Alien: | 1 |
Theme: | Quantity |
Alien: | 1 |
Theme: | Quantity |
Alien: | 1 |
Illustration: Mr Cuddington
Theme: | Quantity |
Alien: | 1 |
B-movie: | 1 |
Comicbook: | 1 |
Dinosaur: | 1 |
Gangster: | 1 |
Hacker: | 1 |
Jungle: | 1 |
Kaiju: | 1 |
Ninja: | 1 |
Ocean: | 1 |
Pirate: | 1 |
Robot: | 1 |
Vampire: | 1 |
Western: | 1 |
Previously "close all ride attractions", now limited to "a type of ride attraction".
The original effect proved to be a bit more harsh than some players expected (especially those who built all-ride parks).
The new effect is limited to one type of ride attraction, without saying specifically "thrill ride" or "leisure ride", which means it can expand to work with future theme packs that include other types of rides without needing to be changed again.
Illustration: Mr Cuddington
Theme: | Quantity |
Alien: | 1 |
B-movie: | 1 |
Comicbook: | 1 |
Dinosaur: | 1 |
Gangster: | 1 |
Hacker: | 1 |
Jungle: | 1 |
Kaiju: | 1 |
Ninja: | 1 |
Ocean: | 1 |
Pirate: | 1 |
Robot: | 1 |
Vampire: | 1 |
Western: | 1 |
Illustration: Mr Cuddington
Theme: | Quantity |
Alien: | 1 |
B-movie: | 1 |
Comicbook: | 1 |
Dinosaur: | 1 |
Gangster: | 1 |
Hacker: | 1 |
Jungle: | 1 |
Kaiju: | 1 |
Ninja: | 1 |
Ocean: | 1 |
Pirate: | 1 |
Robot: | 1 |
Vampire: | 1 |
Western: | 1 |
This event offers two separate options, each of which is optional. You can choose to use only one, or the other, or both.
This means it is possible to discard a blueprint if you wish, without being forced to take another.
Original printings of this card have a small variation in the wording of Project Management. It was previously written as:
Please use this wording, from the current version of the card, if there is any dispute about the intention:
The change to the first sentence allows the card to still be useful in the case when the Blueprint deck has fewer than three cards remaining. This was the intended functioning of the card, and wasn't expressed precisely enough in the original printing.
The change to the second sentence doesn't change the meaning. The wording was adjusted to bring it into the line with improvements in the wording guidelines for card rules.
Illustration: Mr Cuddington
Theme: | Quantity |
Alien: | 1 |
B-movie: | 1 |
Comicbook: | 1 |
Dinosaur: | 1 |
Gangster: | 1 |
Hacker: | 1 |
Jungle: | 1 |
Kaiju: | 1 |
Ninja: | 1 |
Ocean: | 1 |
Pirate: | 1 |
Robot: | 1 |
Vampire: | 1 |
Western: | 1 |
Illustration: Mr Cuddington
Theme: | Quantity |
Alien: | 1 |
B-movie: | 1 |
Comicbook: | 1 |
Dinosaur: | 1 |
Gangster: | 1 |
Hacker: | 1 |
Jungle: | 1 |
Kaiju: | 1 |
Ninja: | 1 |
Ocean: | 1 |
Pirate: | 1 |
Robot: | 1 |
Vampire: | 1 |
Western: | 1 |
Illustration: Mr Cuddington
Theme: | Quantity |
Alien: | 1 |
B-movie: | 1 |
Comicbook: | 1 |
Dinosaur: | 1 |
Gangster: | 1 |
Hacker: | 1 |
Jungle: | 1 |
Kaiju: | 1 |
Ninja: | 1 |
Ocean: | 1 |
Pirate: | 1 |
Robot: | 1 |
Vampire: | 1 |
Western: | 1 |
Illustration: Mr Cuddington
Theme: | Quantity |
Alien: | 1 |
B-movie: | 1 |
Comicbook: | 1 |
Dinosaur: | 1 |
Gangster: | 1 |
Hacker: | 1 |
Jungle: | 1 |
Kaiju: | 1 |
Ninja: | 1 |
Ocean: | 1 |
Pirate: | 1 |
Robot: | 1 |
Vampire: | 1 |
Western: | 1 |
Illustration: Mr Cuddington
Theme: | Quantity |
Alien: | 1 |
B-movie: | 1 |
Comicbook: | 1 |
Dinosaur: | 1 |
Gangster: | 1 |
Hacker: | 1 |
Jungle: | 1 |
Kaiju: | 1 |
Ninja: | 1 |
Ocean: | 1 |
Pirate: | 1 |
Robot: | 1 |
Vampire: | 1 |
Western: | 1 |
The effects of Sponsorship deal can stack together. You can play as many as you wish, and each one will give +1 coin per guest during the Guests step.
SkyDrink is a proud sponsor of theme parks all over the world. SkyDrink, the SkyDrink logo, and the Somewhat Active Ribbon device are trademarks of SkyDrink Pty Ltd. SkyDrink is a division of ⬛ Generico Global.
Illustration: Mr Cuddington
Theme: | Quantity |
Alien: | 1 |
B-movie: | 1 |
Comicbook: | 1 |
Dinosaur: | 1 |
Gangster: | 1 |
Hacker: | 1 |
Jungle: | 1 |
Kaiju: | 1 |
Ninja: | 1 |
Ocean: | 1 |
Pirate: | 1 |
Robot: | 1 |
Vampire: | 1 |
Western: | 1 |
The effect doesn't stack with itself. You don't get half of half price if you play two copies of Renovation at once. This is because each one gives a discount based on the marked coin price, which is the number printed on the blue price tag on the card.
If you play two copies, you simply have two different ways to get half price.
The same goes for other effects that give half price. You can have multiple ways of accessing half price builds, through different abilities such as Building Contractor, but they can't be combined together.
The half-price discount only applies to cards that are priced in coins. Prices marked in Alien Influence or any other currency are not reduced.
You can use Renovation on any of your closed attractions, no matter how they came to be closed, whether it be through the event itself, another event played by a competitor, a City event card, etc. The pin symbol and the wording makes Renovation an enduring effect throughout the entire round. Whenever you build an upgrade, if the attraction is closed, you can build on it for half the marked coin price.
Illustration: Mr Cuddington
Theme: | Quantity |
Alien: | 2 |
Illustration: Mr Cuddington
Theme: | Quantity |
Alien: | 2 |
The sequence of play is:
Any player can pay to block the move, not just the player(s) affected by it. Players cannot pool resources to block it, however.
The amount paid initially and the amount paid to block happen only once. There is no repeated bidding back and forth, or escalation of the amount.
Illustration: Mr Cuddington
Theme: | Quantity |
Alien: | 1 |
Illustration: Mr Cuddington
Theme: | Quantity |
Alien: | 1 |
Illustration: Mr Cuddington
Theme: | Quantity |
Alien: | 1 |
It's an exotic place to visit with friends, and you might also meet your friend Audrey, too.
Some of those flowers look as though they'd like to give your face a big hug, and those tall plants might get up and start walking at any moment.
Illustration: Mr Cuddington
Theme: | Quantity |
Alien: | 1 |
If you employ the Pod Person while you operate the Cloning Lab, you can use the Pod Person as a substitute target when the Alien Influence token would be applied to the newly cloned staff member. Since a Pod Person cannot have tokens placed on them, the rule fails, and you are left with a cloned staff member with no expiry date.
The Cloning Lab usually has the clones set on a 1-month lifespan, but if you can replace the operator with one more aligned with the goals of our alien friends, you can flip that switch to 'permanent'. Thanks Becky!
Illustration: Mr Cuddington
Theme: | Quantity |
Alien: | 1 |
Illustration: Mr Cuddington
Theme: | Quantity |
Alien: | 2 |
The ability of an attraction is not active when that attraction is closed, so a closed Stellar Portal does not block a Matter Transfer event.
Illustration: Mr Cuddington
Theme: | Quantity |
Alien: | 1 |
Available coins means those you have available to spend. It does not include coins that are on cards you own, nor coins that you could get by taking loans.
In Unfair, "lowest" is defined in the glossary to mean "no other thing is lower", so two or more parks can have the "lowest available coin total".
In the case of tied coin total, the Alien Ambassador moves to the next tied player in turn order (if there's two players tied, he goes to the other player).
The rule says to move the card, and then check the condition, and repeat that until the condition is met.
So if he starts at your park, he then moves to the next player in turn order. If that player has the least coins (or equal least) then the condition is satisfied and he stops. Otherwise repeat. He may eventually move back to you. If you have the least coins then the condition is satisfied and he stops. One of you must have the least (or equal least) coins so he will never do more than one complete circuit of all the players to find a park to stop at.
The ability of the Alien Ambassador applies on the Cleanup step of the last round as normal, which means one last chance for the Alien Ambassador to change parks before scoring.
Illustration: Mr Cuddington
Theme: | Quantity |
Alien: | 1 |
The Alien Symbiote is used in the Events step and allows you to use the ability of the chosen staff member twice instead of just once.
If you choose a staff member with an Events step or Park step ability, you can use their ability once and then must wait until it is your turn again to use it a second time - you do get to use the ability twice, but not immediately one after the other.
If you choose a staff member with a Guests step or Cleanup step ability, when there are no turns, you may use the ability immediately two times in total.
You can use the staff member one time, and then activate the symbiote, and then use the staff member a second time.
If you lose the staff member between activating the symbiote and using the ability, then unfortunately you do indeed lose the benefit.
Thematically, the symbiote is super-charging that staff member to allow them to do twice as much as normal. The symbiote doesn't take on any new abilities itself.
The name tag is not completely visible on the card, but it reads "Joel", because if anyone is going to be used as an alien hatstand, it should be the designer.
Illustration: Mr Cuddington
Theme: | Quantity |
Alien: | 1 |
The name tag reads "Lisa", a reference to actor Lisa Maree, who played the tall-haired "Martian Girl" in Mars Attacks! (1996)
Illustration: Mr Cuddington
Theme: | Quantity |
Alien: | 2 |
Illustration: Mr Cuddington
Theme: | Quantity |
Alien: | 1 |
This upgrade is an alien upgrade throughout the game. It only becomes not an alien upgrade at game end if you use its ability to make it into a copy another upgrade.
You can choose any non-alien upgrade for the Isomorphic Matrix to duplicate, but the usual building rules still apply, so if you choose something that you're not allowed to build in that position, you will immediately be required to remove it to bring your park in line with the active rules. Best to choose something that fits.
Illustration: Mr Cuddington
Theme: | Quantity |
Alien: | 1 |
Illustration: Mr Cuddington
Theme: | Quantity |
Alien: | 6 |
Illustration: Mr Cuddington
Theme: | Quantity |
Alien: | 1 |
The rule preventing demolition applies even to the shield's owner.
The Shield Generator does not prevent movement of an attraction or upgrade, only demolition (unlike Star Trek, this shield does not block transporters...)
Previously "Active only when the attraction is open. The attraction and all of its upgrade cannot be demolished."
The revised wording adds a limitation "by events", which means that demolition by the owner during the Park step is now permitted, along with any demolitions required in the Cleanup step, such as the Lunatic Lair in the Comicbook pack. The new wording also does not prevent demolition in the case where there's more than one dinosaur on the same attraction.
Illustration: Mr Cuddington
Theme: | Quantity |
Alien: | 2 |
Illustration: Mr Cuddington
Theme: | Quantity |
Alien: | 2 |
Illustration: Mr Cuddington
Theme: | Quantity |
Alien: | 2 |
Illustration: Mr Cuddington
Theme: | Quantity |
Alien: | 1 |
B-movie: | 1 |
Comicbook: | 1 |
Dinosaur: | 1 |
Gangster: | 1 |
Hacker: | 1 |
Jungle: | 1 |
Kaiju: | 1 |
Ninja: | 1 |
Ocean: | 1 |
Pirate: | 1 |
Robot: | 1 |
Vampire: | 1 |
Western: | 1 |
We'd received questions about whether the super attractions are included in the attraction limit or not. The rulebook answered that, and it answers it even more emphatically now, but we also thought that putting the "Total attraction" limit last would help to make that clearer. Better to reprint only 6 cards now than change it later and need to reprint 10, or 14, or...
This main gate is used in the background of the Grand Opening game changer.
Theme: | Quantity |
Alien: | 1 |
B-movie: | 1 |
Comicbook: | 1 |
Dinosaur: | 1 |
Gangster: | 1 |
Hacker: | 1 |
Jungle: | 1 |
Kaiju: | 1 |
Ninja: | 1 |
Ocean: | 1 |
Pirate: | 1 |
Robot: | 1 |
Vampire: | 1 |
Western: | 1 |
Big Al is a respectable businessman who for some reason is featured in the Gangster theme pack. He owns a wide range of businesses, including Waste Management, a Pizzeria, and employs various Building Contractors. His financial services include loans for up-and-coming entrepreneurs at generous rates, and occasionally helping to cover the outrageous Insurance Excess payments demanded by insurers. He will also take any pair of unwanted Showcase cards off your hands, at a more-than-fair price.
Illustration: -
Theme: | Quantity |
Alien: | 1 |
B-movie: | 1 |
Comicbook: | 1 |
Dinosaur: | 1 |
Gangster: | 1 |
Hacker: | 1 |
Jungle: | 1 |
Kaiju: | 1 |
Ninja: | 1 |
Ocean: | 1 |
Pirate: | 1 |
Robot: | 1 |
Vampire: | 1 |
Western: | 1 |