These files are provided for personal use only. They may be printed on your own printer or at a commercial copy / printing centre, providing the copies are for your own use and not for sale.
Use this sheet to test that your printer will print the cards at the right size, without wasting a lot of toner to find the right settings.
Your printer may not print to the correct size even when set to "100%" or "actual size", so you may need to adjust the percentage up or down to make the page print at the correct size.
For example, one printer in the Unfair office requires a setting of 99%, and another requires 101% to produce the correct size.
32 page A4/letter printable PDF - updated 25 July 2023
Print 1 copy, double-sided, centered, scale to fit A4/letter.
Cards for CHKO last updated 01 May 2022
Comicbook - 8up layout, A4/letter printable PDF
Hacker - 8up layout, A4/letter printable PDF
Kaiju - 8up layout, A4/letter printable PDF
Ocean - 8up layout, A4/letter printable PDF
Print 1 copy of each theme pack, actual size, and cut individual cards from the sheets.
The card reverse files can be printed directly on the back of the card sheets if you are printing on card stock (and your printer is good enough to line them up). Otherwise print and cut individual cards, and match the colour of the card backs with the colour of the card fronts.
Game Changers. A4/letter printable PDF.
Card reverse for Game Changers.
Print 1 copy, actual size, match the card backs to the card fronts.
Update #3. A4/letter printable PDF
These cards REPLACE existing cards. Do not add these in without removing the previous version.
Honestly this is here mainly to show you what to expect. Actually matching the cut-lines front and back, or cutting out strange-shaped tokens is a lot of effort when you could use basically anything instead. Use any spare tokens you have on hand for the Kaiju medals.
The solo mode material is kept up-to-date on the Solo Mode PnP page